Education & Resources to help you bridge the gap between healthcare and human care.
FREE Alpha-Gal Basics Guide
A simple, printable, one-page guide that serves TWO purposes:
To educate your personal healthcare team by sharing the basics of AGS.
To provide a resource for your doctors to share to educate their other patients and colleagues.
Alpha-Gal 101 Resource Guide
An informative yet easy-to-follow resource to help you navigate the complexities of living with alpha-gal syndrome. This 22-page guide includes tips on everything from the foundation to the details.
Alpha-Gal Foundation Guide: Kitchen
A top-to-bottom guide on how to transition your kitchen to be alpha-gal safe, including pantry overhaul, recipes, and more.
Food Allergy Mentorship
Let us help you strengthen your roots so you can grow in confidence! We utilize an initial assessment to determine your strengths and weaknesses and work with you to develop a customized program through personalized weekly mentor sessions.
Speaking Events & Workshops
Two Alpha Gals now available for booking speaking engagements and customized workshops in small-group settings for anyone impacted by alpha-gal syndrome. Workshops are tailored for specific groups: beginner, seasoned, and health providers. Contact us for more information at thegals@twoalphagals.com.