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Introducing the Alpha-gal Foundation, a brand new 501(c)(3) brought to you by the founders of Two Alpha Gals!
Meet the Alpha-Gal Informed Professionals we trust most.
Scott Commins, MD, PhD
Dr. Commins sees patients in the UNC allergy clinic and maintains an active research laboratory. His primary research and clinical interest is alpha-gal syndrome.
Paige L. Freeman, PhD, PLLC
Dr. Freeman is a psychologist that has navigated her child's food allergy for the last 15 years. She provides telehealth services in 22 states to support others managing food allergies.
Alpha-gal Information Page
The Alpha-gal Information website is part of the Alpha-gal Syndrome Awareness Campaign and offers a wealth of information for anyone effected by alpha-gal syndrome.
Founded by pharmacists, VeganMed is the world's most credible, freely available source for patients and healthcare providers to find health products without animal-derived ingredients.
Food Allergy Counselor Directory
The Food Allergy Counselor website houses the Food Allergy Counselor Directory and additional food allergy behavioral health resources.
FARE enhances the lives of individuals with food allergies empowering them to lead safe, productive lives with the respect of others through education and advocacy initiatives and improved awareness around healthcare options and treatment.
Tick Boot Camp Podcast
The purpose of TBC is to help you liberate yourself and others from suffering caused by Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases.
FAACT's mission is to educate, advocate, and raise awareness for all individuals and families affected by food allergies and life-threatening anaphylaxis.
Alpha-Gal Informed Interviews… and other true stories, tips & tricks.
Video Series: Common Questions with Dr. Commins.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
— Margaret Mead